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  Frequently Asked Questions  

Obtaining a Marriage License in Hawaii


How Do We Apply for a Marriage License in Hawaii?


Couples can apply for a marriage license with the Hawaii State Department of Health Vital Records Department.  Complete instructions and details are found here:  Vital Records | Marriage and Civil Union Licenses 

The website has a dedicated Couples Drop Down Menu to help make the process easy.

PetiteWedding & Elopement Locations on Oahu


Where can we have our simple ceremony or petite elopement?


There are a plethora of gorgeous beaches and romantic botanical gardens on the island Oahu that require a small fee and permit. These beach and garden locations are perfect for a small affordable simple ceremony or elopement.


However, it is important to note that obtaining a permit does take some time for approval and can take up to two weeks. It will require extra planning ahead! 

(Petite Wedding Hawaii Officiant prices do not include location permit fee)  

Also note that most beach, park and garden locations do not allow items such as chairs and arches.

Most of Oahu's Beaches are regulated by the State of Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources


Some beaches, Parks, and Botanical Gardens are regulated by the City and County of Honolulu Parks and Recreation Department


If you need assistance with the process of applying and obtaining a permit for the beach, park or garden you desire, feel free to contact me!


Some Popular Small Wedding & Elopement Beach Locations on Oahu:

  • Magic Island or Ala Moana Beach - Waikiki Area (for famous Diamond Head background, beautiful sunset ceremonies)

  • Leahi Beach Park - (at the foot of Diamond Head just outside Waikiki)

  • Makapu'u - East Oahu (gorgeous sunrise and shore/rock/mountain backdrop)

  • Sandy Beach - East Oahu (expansive white sand beach, endless ocean)

  • Makua Beach -West Oahu (sunset, expansive beach, mountain backdrop)

**Click here for a complete list of beaches on State DLNR website

Please read the FAQs regarding the permits for these DLNR beaches - permits can take up to two weeks for approval and require a Certificate of Insurance - contact for details and questions you have regarding applying for a DLNR beach wedding)


**Click here for a map of beach parks under the City and County Parks Division


(City & County of Honolulu, varied fees):

  • Foster Botanical Garden: 50

  • Lili`uokalani Botanical Garden: 25

  • Ho`omaluhia Botanical Garden: 50

  • Wahiawa Botanical Garden: 30

  • Koko Crater Botanical Garden: 30

Other Potential beautiful locations:

  • Manoa Falls (Hawaiian rainforest backdrop, 30m hike to waterfall)

  • ​Waahila Ridge Park (Pine Forest backdrop, mountain views)

  • Puupia Trail (Hawaiian forest trail, 30m hike to mesa overlooking Manoa Valley)

  • Nuuanu District Park (Majestic Trees, Hawaiian Greenery, next to Queen Emma Summer Palace)


***Note for Trails/Hikes locations: this option is for the adventurous, mud-loving couples, and will add extra time and planning for a quick wardrobe change at the falls/mesa for photos.  Extra travel fee may apply. 

***Additional Travel Fee of $50 for Locations more than 15 miles outside of Honolulu Area and/or more than 30 minutes travel time. Feel free to ask me if your location will require the extra travel fee. 


We only need a private, casual ceremony - Can we do it somewhere that isn't in an office building, or the courtroom?

Yes, we can do your Wedding Now! or Express Wedding To-Go at a location that is meaningful and beautiful to you, such as your place! Or the park bench you fell in love on, or the mall at your favorite cafe, or your neighbor's backyard (as long as I am able to come to you and perform the validation of your wedding license). 

***If you are not sure about the location you have in mind, or don't have a place in mind, contact me!

Cermony and Vows


Do you do religious and/or traditional ceremonies?

Can you do non-religious and/or civil marriage ceremonies?


Yes , Yes, Yes, & Yes!  I am ordained by the Universal Life Church, licensed by the State of Hawaii, and can perform both religious and non-religious ceremonies and civil marriages.

Contact Me for a free consultation to discuss the ceremony you want to have!


Can we personalize our ceremony and add our own vows?


After an initial consultation and discovery call/video conference call, I will email you and your partner the couples' questionnaire to help craft your custom ceremony. 


You can choose a very simple "repeat after me" traditional ceremony, which is very quick and widely used.  Or, you can add personal touches and write your own vows to say to each other.  We will do the ceremony the way you want it!  If you would like, before the ceremony, we can do a review of your ceremony script together so that you won't be surprised by odd things you didn't expect or want.  

While Wedding Now! and Express To-Go ceremonies are very, very brief, Petite Simple Ceremony and Petite Elopement allow for more ceremony time and customization, personal vows and special ceremony items such as a sand ceremony or hand-fasting can be added.  

***Sand Ceremony kit and hand fasting ribbon are additional cost.  Feel free to contact for details/prices.

Sunrise & Sunset Ceremonies


 Do you do sunrise or sunset wedding ceremonies?


Yes, I can do Sunrise or Sunset ceremonies!  Sunset ceremonies are no extra cost, but I do have a sunrise ceremony fee of $30.  


***As a note, I have a travel fee of $50 for locations 10 miles and/or greater than 30 minutes outside of Honolulu.


Do you have an additional question or need more information? 

Click here to Contact Me!

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